Jon Tregenna wrote and researched Laugharne Lines
Laugharne-based architect Carl Thornton drew the map
Nigel Thomas did the web design
Special thanks to Chris Delaney, Peter Stopp, John & Janet Bradshaw,
The Laugharne History Society
and everyone who's contributed information to this site
Thanks also to the Laugharne Community Council and the Heritage Lottery Fund
If you have any additions, info, pics, amendments, or any other thoughts, please send them to jontregenna1@gmail.com
Also, please follow Laugharne Lines on facebook etc
Laugharne Lines originated in The Brown's Hotel bar on the 31st August 2012. Two late evening imbibers - writer Jon Tregenna and artist Craig Woods - were sitting to the left of the fireplace enthusiastically discussing the idea of an underground railway system in Laugharne with each stop having escalators, a Costa Coffee, a newsagent, ticketing machines and buskers. It quickly emerged that there were several important locations where a stop would be necessary, not least The Brown's Hotel and The Mariners. Realising that it probably wouldn't be economically viable, especially as some of the key stops were but a few yards apart, it was decided to pursue the idea no further and wander home...
Local support would have been an issue too, for another Brown's regular, who shall remain nameless, thought the idea of a Laugharne Underground '...totally ludicrous.' That's as maybe, but the concept of a Laugharne tube map was born. Tregenna began researching and fashioned a crude sketch before harnessing the map-drawing skills of local architect Carl Thornton, the marketing maestro that is the township's own Roxanne Treacy and the web design of Nigel Thomas. Together they created the wondrous tool you enjoy today.
In 2020 the Laugharne Community Council received a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund to upgrade the site and make it smartphone friendly.
If you are minded to, please go to the Laugharne Lines facebook page and have your say. It'd be good to hear from you.
copyright © 2021 Laugharne Lines
all rights reserved
copyright © 2021 Laugharne Lines
all rights reserved
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