Belle Vue Garage

Belle Vue Garage was owned by Mr Evan Isaacs, a car mechanic whose grandson Andrew now owns the building. Andrew's grandmother was known as Nurse Isaacs who came from Glamorgan. An extraordinary woman who delivered many a Laugharne baby, she also helped support mothers who had sickly kids.

Until recently it was the Tin Shed Museum, a military/1940s museum/film set which also doubled up as a music and performance venue. Sir Peter Blake was interviewed there for the BBC, and props from the 'shed' were used in the BBC's Dylan In New York and their production of Under Milk Wood. It also played a central role in the National Theatre Wales production Raw Material: Llareggub Revisited in May 2014 created by Marc Rees and Jon Tregenna.

Andrew Isaacs, formerly known as 'The Sheriff', was famous for riding his horse around Laugharne whilst dressed as a cowboy. He told us, 'Once I walked Blaze into the Browns Hotel. I was told to get out, so I left, but the horse stayed.'

Andrew Isaacs and his horse Blaze

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