Fountain Inn

The Fountain Inn is also the Rugby Club. Why fountain? Maybe that titbit of info will be found one day.

Will John, landlord of the Fountain and church sexton pulled the solitary bell rope for Dylan's funeral in 1953. Two more publicans were amongst the bearers. There was a small building to the front of the pub and Pigot's Directories of 1835 and 1844 show it as another of Laugharne's lost pubs - The Ship, which you can just make out below in this 1906 photograph. It was taken at high tide, and you can also see the Cockle Factory on the right.

The Ship was run by Thomas Skeel who also fought in the Napoleonic Wars. He was born in 1781, a farm labourer from Hangman Street (now Victoria St), Laugharne. He kept a diary, and it told the story of an ordinary man caught up in extraordinary events. He died in 1850 and is buried in St Martin's Church.

The Fountain Inn was shut in 2015 when the Laugharne Weekend came to town, and was renamed The Keith's Head as the actor Keith Allen took over the licence for the weekend.

Keith runs Laugharne's Got Talent every Laugharne Weekend where his astonishing band can play pretty much any tune that people request.

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