Victoria House

The finest house in Victoria St is formerly the home of one of Laugharne's greatest characters, Douglas Williams, a sea captain. He was born in 1922, and died aged 90 in 2012. Douglas was the son of Ebie and Ivy Williams of Brown's Hotel and a good friend of Dylan Thomas and an even better friend of Caitlin's. He is said to be the inspiration for Dancing Williams in Under Milk Wood, thanks to his entertaining dance and boxing moves, and was a bearer at Dylan Thomas' funeral.

A subject of many stories, it is told that when he came home from sea he'd walk into Brown's Hotel, put a wad of notes on the bar, instruct anyone who wasn't local to finish up their drink and leave, and then those who remained had to stay until the money had gone.

He was also the owner of a monkey which features in Corran Books. George Tremlett told Wales Online, 'He was known as a man who could keep discipline on any ship, no matter the nature of his business'.

Victoria St in Edwardian times
Note the businesses

But by the 1950s
they had disappeared

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